Featuring indepth interviews with:
- Muke of Mistreat
- TrollFront
- Tom Metzger of W.A.R. (his last video interview, exclusively for Kriegsberichter #8! RIP Mr.Metzger you are sorely missed)
- Antonella (KlaSSe Kriminale)
- C18 Finland activities
- Fehér Törvény (from Hungary)
+ a bit more ... ;)
Interactive menu / Running time: 2 hours
Review by Chris H. former editor-in-chief of "British Oi!" skinzine.
1st up were Trollfront, interviewed by Jäsä, for me, I don't get this band, what is the point, for me, just produce good music for us masses, but hey ho, the interview covers several questions etc about the bands sarcasm and irony and also shows numerous videos including the bands popular "jenny woo" song, one point the singer was constantly hitting his hands with a baseball bat, that became totally annoying.
Next up was good footage of Finnish activists opposing newly arrived immigrants into the country, with a firm "no room here" stance. A great article then, an interview with the now late great Tom Metzger, who sadly passed away not long after this interview, he speaks his mind on numerous subjects and Ainaskin have gathered some great archive footage of him and his court cases etc, great bit of viewing, RIP Tom! Up next Finnish heroes and RAC stalwarts Mistreat, who have been featured numerous times on KB dvds but a great catch up with Muke the bands leader and singer, interesting stuff, great gig footage from early days and also modern stuff and a reminder of how good the band is, played all over the white world and rightly so, Muke came across so relaxed also compared to his energetic stage presence, good to see the band marches on.
Next up are Fehér Törvény the Hungarian hatecore / RAC band, quality musicians and great performers of quality hatecore / RAC, good to learn about them, places they have played, the current situation in Hungary etc, a talented bunch of lads, long may they reign.
Last interview is with Antonella of Klasse Kriminale fame, and now a talented tattooist who Jäsä visited whilst on a trip to London, maybe for me a bit out of place on this radical DVD of white pride but interesting to see what she does in her life now, I don't know her music and only remember her from being in Battle Zone and being the ex Mrs of Alex the singer, but she comes across a decent person and is enjoying life with her fella and her tattoo studio, just hope the appearance on KB doesn't get her any aggro off the lefty scum.