  • Land: Russia
  • Musik Genre: Oi / RAC

Blood & Honour Russia - Live In Moscow

Vandal (Russia):
In Fires Of Wars For Power - Valhalla - The Road To Valhalla (Skrewdriver cover) and Sturmfuehrer SS (Landser cover).

Ataka (Russia):
A Bath - Protest And Fight! and Stand On Yours! Ataka / T.N.F.: Stalingrad

White Squal (Ukraine):
Hooligans - Machine Gun - Ukraine In Fires and Tomorrow Belongs To Me (Skrewdriver).

Molot (Ukraine):
RaHoWa - White Power (Skrewdriver cover) - Tomorrow Belongs To Us and Blood, Soil, Loyalty and Honor.

Kolovrat (Russia, bonus track): Honour and Blood (Sturm cover).
