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01. Skinhead Rock’N’Roll 03. Winter In Der BRD 04. Renees, Wir Lieben Euch 05. Gib Mir 'N Bier 06. Tätowiert, Kahl, Brutal 07. Es... |
ENDSTUFE: Ohne kompromisse Engel Das system Skinhead pur Revolution The streets are ours LAST RIOT: Partypiraten Die toleranz Wochenende Wie wir sind... |
01. - Stukalied - BfG+KG23 02. - Absent Father - BfG+KG23 03. - Agent - Staatsfeind 04. - Skinheads Chemnitz - Staatsfeind 05. - Der Zorn der Szene -... |
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A solo project CD from a member of Kraftschlag - Featured on Kriegsberichter Vol.II 01. Intro 02. Auslander Raus 03. Rudolf Hess 04. We Stand Ready... |
01. Heil-Sieg Heil-Werde ich! 02. Wir wollen klare Beweise! (Auschwitz Lüge) 03. U.F.O.S. 04. Halte durch armer Knecht! 05. Rudolf Hess 06.... |
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01 - Awake 02 - Race Riot 03 - So Many Years 04 - Field Of Green 05 - Extreme Hatred 06 - My Dreamland 07 - The Path 08 - The Stand 09 - Outline On... |
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01. Premices 02. Gloria Noir 03. Faustrecht kommt 04. Licking The Angel's Face 05. Impetigo 06. Le Vampire Intrinseque 07. Totenkopf 08. ubation... |
01. Intro 02. Burning Flame 03. Downfall 04. Fear Rains Down 05. Never Lose Sight 06. For My Friends 07. Break Free 08. The End is Near 09. Pictures... |
€15.00 €10.00 Sie sparen 33% !
01. Shit out 02. Pride and Tradition 03. Land of the White 04. Saturday Night 05. Tales of Honour 06. Hail the new Dawn 07. The Nationalist 08. Race... |
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01. Street Soldier 02. Freedom Fighters 03. The victory must be ours 04. Reds Hunter 05. Forever Patriot 06. Ravens (Ultima thule cover) 07. Ordem &... |
Odal: Elegistes El Camino - Europa Nacion - Gloria Y Honor and Oyes Mis Gritos. Titkolt Ellenallas: Save Our Pride - Defender's Rebirth - My Fight...... |
01. Another Nail In The Coffin 02. Here Comes The Thunder 03. Hail Rock 'n' Roll 04. Victory Or Valhalla 05. The Warrior 06. I Hate Commie Scum 07.... |
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01. Loss Of Identity 02. Hate / Love 03. Into The Fray 04. Born Again 05. The Open Road 06. A New Beginning 07. Southern Birth 08. Northern Soul 09.... |
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01. An Deutschland 02. Das Heimatvertriebenen-Lied 03. Die Frucht vom Baum der Sieger 04. Wir geloben 05. Unser Land 06. Über Länder, Grenzen,... |
01. Resurrection 02. Eye For An Eye 03. Right Hand Of Justice 04. Psychobrainwash 05. Forgotten By The Devil 06. Deep Inside 07. Nothing Can Stop You... |
01. Unsere Ziet Wird Kommen 02. Bleibt Immer Dabei 03. Hinter Gittern 04. Nationalist 05. Skinheads 06. Du Junkie 07. Vereint ? 08. Deutsche Helden... |
Odal Sieg: B&H Southland, White Pride, A Good Day To Day, Comrade. Vinland Warriors: If I Close my Eyes, Pass The Blame, Day Of Reckoning, That's... |
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Tyr 01. Tidsvarv 02. Öga för öga 03. Rädda vårt folk 04. Hjältekonungen Storm 05. Den enes bröd... 06. En svensk tiger...inte... |
01. Stormvinden 02. Barn av den svarta solen 03. In memory of 1945 04. Vintern, döden och underjorden 05. Nordisk renässans 06. Räkenskapens... |
€15.00 €8.00 Sie sparen 47% !
01. The Commander 02. Channel Our Hatred In The Right Direction 03. Genocidal Hate 04. Avalanche Of Wild Beasts 05. The Graduate 06. Blacklisted 07.... |
Steffen of Noie Werte 01. Intro 02. German-British Friendship 03. Europe Awake 04. Die Flamme wird ewig leben 05. Hail the New Dawn 06. Tomorrow... |
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Preussenheads: Intro Negativ Böser Bruder Bruderkrieg Der Erwecker Survival Grade 1: Hail the New Land Let's Rock Boots 'Round Britain White Race... |
01. Jeder Tag 02. Globale Infektion 03. Suicide 04. The Greedy Eye 05. Nothing But Hate 06. Die Natur Am Ende 07. Die Vertreibung 08. Im Virus... |
12 page booklet 36 Tracks ! Freezer Full Of Nigger Heads (2003): 01. Freezer Full Of Nigger Heads 02. Hatred In My Heart 03. Black Ass Nigger 04.... |
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Grinded Nig 01. Intro (Racial Retard on the Loose) 02. Grinded Nigger 03. Shite Colored Nigger/Fuck You 04. Aryan Man 2099 (Rise of the Savage... |
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01. Wake Up Or Die 02. 187 03. We Will Survive 04. Hell On Earth 05. Groza 06. Hazard Z Zyciem 07. Payback 08. Way Of Life 09. Occupation With No... |
01. 88 Rock 'N' Roll Band 02. Dirty Heebs 03. Ebonics 04. Goodbye 05. Jägermeistered 06. Coon Shooting Boogie II 07 Nig*er Hatin Me 08. Northlands... |
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Musci from: Landser, People Haters, Aryan and Bound For Glory. 01. Guess Who's Coming To Dinner 02. Bound for Glory - Opa 03. Landser - Rassenkrieg... |