
DVD10 - Stone Mountian KKK Rally 1991


Stone Mountain KKK rally

Stone Mountain Annual 61st KKK Rally 1991

Catalog number# DVD10

01. Interviews
02. Introduction to the Rally
03. Thom Robb opening prayer.
04. Stanley McKellum former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the KKK
05. Charles Lee former Grand Dragon of the White Camellia
06. Bill Riccio of the Invisible Empire
07. Dr. Edward Fields from the Truth at Last
08. Ed Novak Grand Dragon of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Illinois
09. Greg Walker Grand Dragon of the Southern White Knights
10. Thom Robb
11. Tony Hagwood Southern White Knights
12. Bruce Cartman of the Invisible Empire
13. Triple Cross Lighting

One of the best videos from the KKK
Quality Production Rating

Runtime: 1 Hour 30 Min - Color.

DVD Format: DVD-R
DVD Mastering: YES
Chapter Selection YES
Interactive Menu YES

Stone Mountain KKK Rally
