
DVD28 - History of W.A.R.


History of W.A.R.
White Aryan Resistance

Catalog number# DVD28

1975 KKK
Oxnard Riot 1976
Castro Valley Battle
Klan Border Watch
Metzger Runs for Supervisor 1978
Greensboro Massacre 1979
California KKK Trash Punks
Tom Metzger Runs for Congress
Race & Reason W.A.R.
1983 Cross Lighting Trial
1986 Brawl with the J.D.L.
Alpine Village
W.A.R. Expands
W.A.R. Newspaper
W.A.R. Social Gatherings
White Student Union
Aryan Women's League
San Francisco W.A.R.
The Order
1988 Sedition Trials
1988 Whidbey Island
The Skinheads
Aryan Woodstock Napa, CA
Closing TV Clips

Runtime: 2 Hours - Color.



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