Product Details
  • Country: Compilation
  • Music Genre: Oi / RAC

Guess who's coming for seconds

Musci from: Landser, People Haters, Aryan and Bound For Glory.

01. Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
02. Bound for Glory - Opa
03. Landser - Rassenkrieg
04. Griffin & Landser - My Rebel Flag & Me
05. Griffin - I Hate Commie Scum (Fortress)
06. Landser - Fliegen nach St. Paul (Musik von Motorhead)
07. Kolovrat - Gunned Down
08. People Haters - Lonesome Cowboy Burt (Frank Zappa)
09. Bound For Glory - White Men On Welfare
10. Griffin & People Haters - Chucker
11. Landser & People Haters - Hey You!
12. Kolvorat - 88 R'n'R Band

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